Resources For Writing Papers

Duldrom and topic choosing… OMG  (insert scream here)

So you have to write a paper?

Hmmmm *scratches head* Well let me pull up a chair and get you a blanklet

because you are the first student EVER to have to come up with a topic, Brainstorm, cluster draw, make a list or GOD

Its All Good

FORBIDDD!! *eeek* write a rough draft!!

NO PROBLEM!!! Here is your page. A list of handy-dandy do dads for writing a paper. It is our pleasure to share with you our bag of tricks, which will do everything except write the paper for you. If that’s what your looking for please click here. 

So check it out… our favorite sites for writing papers:

The Doctor Talks about invention, actually the third day of class the word ‘invention’ was assigned to a student who envisioned trouble writing papers. Soon the whole class was submersed in invention exercises.

check out the prompt we did in class (insert page link here for writing prompt gravestone)

Remember these oldies but goodies?

  • -cluster
  • -cloud
  • -list
  • But is it ‘scholarly’?

    -dialetic notebooks

  • -concept mapping

-or the really old school :

Go ask your Mom

Well somebody, probably tired of drawing circles on a paper came up with a website to help. Not only does create a visual representation of the cluster or cloud, it also points you in directions for research. You might just say that when it comes to boring invention exercises, this is just what the Doctor prescribes.

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